Global Gender Gap report 2014


The World Economic Forum has released the Global Gender Gap Report for 2014.


The Global gender Gap report was first launched by the World Economic Forum in 2006 and provides an overall framework for capturing gender disparities in different countries around the world. The report presents an index showcasing gender gaps in the following areas; Economic participation and opportunity, Educational Attainment, Health and Survivor and Political Empowerment. This year’s report covers 142 countries and also provides a country ranking making it easy to compare countries across regions, according to income group and over time.


According to this year’s report, the worldwide gender gap in the different fields is the following:

  • Economic participation and opportunity: 60 % (compared to 56 % in 2006)
  • Educational Attainment: 94 % (compared to 92 in 2006), 25 countries has closed the gap entirely
  • Health and Survivor: 96 % (compared to 97 % in 2006), 35 countries have closed the gap entirely
  • Political Empowerment: 21 % (compared to 14 % in 2006)


The Nordic countries remain in the top 5: Iceland (1), Finland (2), Norway (3), Sweden (4), Denmark (5). Nicaragua comes on 6th place and ranks highest among countries in Latin America. On 7th place comes Rwanda, a new country in the report this year.


For further information and an overview of the report please visit the following link.


To download full report for 2014, please click on the following link.

