3rd European Conference on Politics and Gender

The European Consortium for Political Research’s (ECPR) Standing group on Gender and Politics is organizing the 3rd European Conference on Politics and Gender at Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona from the 21st to the 23rd of March.


The first conference was held in Belfast in 2009 and gathered more than 300 specialists and the second conference was organised in Budapest in 2011.


This year’s program includes nine panel sessions on topics such as:

  • Gender Policy Determinants and Representation
  • Comparing Gender Quota Policies
  • Informal Institutions: new avenues for exploring gender politics.


The ECPR Standing Group on Gender and Politics is a worldwide network gathering over 300 members and focusing on issues related to gender studies and sexuality in politics.


They promote research groups, workshops and sessions focusing on gender issues and strive for increasing women’s participation in political science.


The network also has a mailing list providing information and encouraging discussions on issues of interest related to gender equality and politics. They also maintain a catalogue of feminist researchers in politics as well as courses on gender and politics taught worldwide.


For further information: http://www.ecpg-barcelona.com/about-conference
